TMP International Leadership Training
Join hundreds of alumni from over 28 nations who have experienced TMP Ieadership programs and are successfully transforming their ministries, communities and nations.
Alumni Making a Difference The Apostle Paul never lost sight of the fact that...
TMP Alumni
Making a Difference
“TMP is not only a place, TMP is a calling, built in a culture of Love, Excellence, Holiness, Forgiveness and Empowering Leadership. It’s a place that I’m so grateful to be part of it, as TMP is part of me.”
– Sassie Reguera, TMP alumni, Ecuador
– Sassie Reguera, TMP alumni, Ecuador
Pastor Victor Leal Rodrigues, Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, a 1988 TMP graduate and TMP ordained minister, was formerly a professor in Electrical Engineering. Since his graduation, Victor has collaborated in planting new churches, as well as taking...
Joan and Carmen Bel, 2005-2006 graduates, from Spain; Joan is an ordained minister under TMP. They began “Asosiacion Nuevos Pasos” (Association of New Steps) and went on to begin a work in Peru in the...
Mirelis Agramonte, Dominican Republic, 2012 TMP graduate. “I want you to know that through the teachings I learned in TMP God has given me messages of faith unimaginable to me. It is as if I...
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of planting the incorruptible seed, the Word of God, in the rich soil of the hearts of men and women around the world!
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