Welcome U.S. Admissions Application to TMP General Information I understand that by checking the box and submitting this application that I authorize TMP to collect personal information about me for the purposes of applying for and and participating in TMP programs. I understand that this information will be used and shared with TMP authorized parties that allow us to conduct programs. Yes I understand and give authorization Contact Information Full Legal First name Middle name Full Legal Last name Name on Passport Email address Date of Birth Please enter your DOB in MM/DD/YYYY format SexMaleFemale Marital Status SingleEngagedMarriedWidowedDivorced Are you a US citizen? YesNo Do you have legal residency in the US? YesNo Country of Citizenship Do you currently reside in the United States YesNo Mobile Phone Number Include country code for numbers outside USA Home Phone Number Include country code for numbers outside USA Work Phone Number Include country code for numbers outside USA All method of contact and preferred method of contact EmailMobile PhoneWork PhoneHome Phone Address Information Please enter your current home adddress City Postal Code if your country does not have a postal code, please enter NO APPLY US Personal Information Are you a US Military veteran? YesNo Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense (misdemeanor or felony)? YesNo Have you ever struggled (in the past or currently) with alcohol or drug addiction? YesNo How did you hear baout TMP International Leadership? What TMP Leadership Training session are you applying for? Year 202020212022 Month JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember If you have previously attended TMP Training programs, please enter dates you attended below Academic Information: What is your primary language? English?Spanish? Do you speak any other languages? What are they? Please evaluate yourself in the Spanish language: Reading Very GoodGoodPoor Writting Very GoodGoodPoor Spekaing Very GoodGoodPoor Do you speak English? yesno If you do, please evaluate yourself in the English language Reading Very GoodGoodPoor Writting Very GoodGoodPoor Spekaing Very GoodGoodPoor How many years of education have you had? High shool? yesno University? yesno Have you attended a Bible Institute? yesno If so, what is the name and location? Ministry Information: When did you receive Jesus Christ as Lord of your life? What is the ministerial calling, or community service leadership, to which God has called you? If you are a pastor, are you currently pastoring a church? yesno If so, what is the name of your church and where is it located? If you are not pastoring, do you attend a church? yesno Do you have a pastor? yesno If so, what is his name and church? Pastor Telephone Number Pastor email address Business or Profession Are you in business or a profession?yesno Please give information to your business position or the profession you are in. Write what you believe your ministry is now or could be within that position. This is a great ministry for many in the Marketplace and Professional fields: What impact do you believe TMP International Leadership Training will have on your long-term goals and purposes in life? (Briefly) NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY Any Biblical programs operated by TMP Corporation shall admit participantsof any race, color, national or ethnic origin that fit into the two languages offer in training sessions:Spanish and/or English. The admissions policies apply to US Consulate requirements and US legal position of a Religious 501 © 3.